TagSkills change, but capabilities endure
Why fostering human capabilities first might be more important than reskilling in the future of work.
IBM’s CLO Says Skills Could Be the Currency of the AI Revolution
Chances are, your first inclination isn’t to think about skills like inclusion, empathy, and collaboration. But that’s exactly where Deb B..
How to build disruptive strategic flywheels
By harnessing machine learning, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, companies can develop strategies that are resilient in the fa..
Leisure Is Our Killer App
The capacity to let our minds wander can give humans a surprising edge against advancing tech in the battle for jobs.
Why you should apply analytics to your people strategy
Bringing advanced computing power and analytics capabilities to bear on people decisions in an organization is crucial to driving lasting ..
How Managers Stifle Creativity
Teresa Amabile discusses the roots of creativity, how to achieve more of it, and combining it with artificial intelligence.
Unlocking the Creative Value of Inefficiency
Too much efficiency — such as that provided by computers and algorithms — can turn off creativity and innovation, according to a new book.
Using AI to unleash the power of unstructured government data
Applications and examples of natural language processing (NLP) across government.
AI-Driven Leadership
It’s useful to begin to develop a framework for what we already know about what it takes to be an AI-driven leader.
Robots? Training? Factories Tackle the Productivity Puzzle
With unemployment low and wages creeping up, companies have an incentive to become more efficient — an exercise that tends to drive econom..