Citizen experience in government takes center stage
Treating citizens like customers to drive triple value impact.
Uncovering Bias: Can a New Way to Study Hiring Help?
New Wharton research develops a novel method for studying the hiring process, finding that race and gender biases likely impact who gets h..
6 Benefits of Creating More Inclusive Workplaces
Leaders may assume that inclusion matters simply because it creates stronger teams, but increased collaboration doesn’t quite tell the who..
How to Give Feedback With a Growth-Mindset Approach
Research shows that growth mindset, the belief that skills can be improved with time and effort, can equip us with tools to provide meanin..
How Reverse Mentoring Can Lead to More Equitable Workplaces
Reverse mentoring as diverse mentoring can break down traditional barriers that impede the advancement of racial minorities in the workpla..
Managers, You’re More Intimidating Than You Think
Powerful people are inherently scary.
What Senior Executives Can Do When the Board Meddles
Five strategies that can help you respond.
Transformation Without Technology
In our present age of digital disruption, it makes intuitive sense that companies would want to “fight fire with fire,” employing the late..
In Praise of the Incurably Curious Leader
I don’t know where curiosity comes from, but if you could bottle it, I’d buy it. It is so valuable, when things are changing so quickly, t..
Happiness and work: An interview with Lord Richard Layard
The preeminent happiness researcher shares some surprising results on connecting well-being, mental health, and how employers can play a r..