TagBye-Bye, Heroic Leadership. Here Comes Shared Leadership
Clearly, we need a different leadership model for designing change-friendly organizations.
U.S.: Organizations Need to Prove They Value Women
Over the past 30 years, I’ve read the workplace research on women and I’ve lived it — and what I’ve seen — is not enough change.
A Brain-Based Approach To Change Management
This approach provides a deeper understanding of resistance as well as the tools to increase success.
10 Proven Methods For Creating A Cohesive Company Culture
Whether you’re looking to improve your existing company culture or create a new one from scratch, these stories and advice from Young Entr..
Overcoming Challenges during a Major Transformation
Michael Pennisi, the chief executive of QSuper, one of Australia’s largest pension funds, describes how to change direction at scale.
How Automation Could Make Teams Less Efficient — and Less Cooperative
New Wharton research delves into the little-studied question of how human performance and team dynamics are impacted by automation.
How Cloud Computing Is Changing Management
Theories and practices of management often spring from the opportunities created by new technologies.
Us versus Them: Reframing Resistance to Change
How to bridge the gap between those who champion transformation and those who challenge it.
The Truth About Corporate Transformation
Investor expectations are the strongest driver of short-run TSR recovery, while revenue is the most important component in the long run.
How the implementation of organizational change is evolving
Digital solutions pose new and unique challenges to the implementation of major change efforts. But the capabilities that support better o..