10 principles for leadership presence
Build muscle memory to support conviction, commitment, and resilience for yourself and your organization.
Why Change Is so Hard — and How to Deal with It
Whether you perceive significant change moments in your life as a threat or as a challenge greatly alters your emotional, physical, and mental experiences.
Seven Behaviours for Boosting Change Readiness
Resistance to change is baked into our biology, but the ability to overcome it can be strengthened with the right regimen.
Obstacles to You Becoming the Leader You Want to Be
An excerpt from a new book explains the range of factors that challenge leaders’ ability to lead effectively.
You’re Going Digital — Now What?
Enough with the top-down strategizing. Understand how change really happens on the ground — and plan for it accordingly.
What is the 3 horizons model & how can you use it?
A simple explanation (finally) of what the 3 horizons model is, what it isn’t, and how you can use it to manage your organization’s growth strategy.
What the “Best Companies to Work For” Do Differently
A survey of top-ranked workplace cultures.
Asking Questions About Sustainability, Scale, and Systems Change
When nonprofits try to plan for scale, systems change, and sustainability at the same time, they can often find these expectations at odds with each other. The answer is not a zero-sum choice, but a flexible approach that focuses on the mission.
The Great Leadership Development Disrupter: Leadership Rotation
During my tenured career at one organization, I had the “best of the best” leadership development opportunities.
Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People
Leaders create the conditions that lead to burnout — or prevent it.