TagHow Companies Can Really Make Their Workplaces Family-Friendly
Here’s four concrete ways companies can go beyond just giving lip service to the idea of flexible schedules.
The power values between an employer and the employee need a hard reset
Time for businesses to get ready to answer hard questions from female employees.
How Big Data and AI Are Driving Business Innovation in 2018
At the intersection of analytics and smart technology, companies are starting to see the long-awaited benefits of AI.
Are Backbone Organizations Eroding the Norms that Make Networks Succeed?
The network way of working as the new normal—but how do we do it?
The Truth About Corporate Transformation
Investor expectations are the strongest driver of short-run TSR recovery, while revenue is the most important component in the long run.
1 in 5 Highly Engaged Employees Is at Risk of Burnout
Figuring out how to increase employee engagement has been a burning question for companies and consultants across the board.
How the implementation of organizational change is evolving
Digital solutions pose new and unique challenges to the implementation of major change efforts. But the capabilities that support better o..
Everyone Hates Setting Goals. Here’s How Google Makes It Easier for Its Employees
If a goal doesn’t challenge you, then it won’t change you.
What are Your Signature Stories?
A signature story is an intriguing, authentic, involving narrative with a strategic message that enables a firm to grow by clarifying or e..
Ban These 5 Words From Your Corporate Values Statement
Most core values statements don’t get at what’s unique about the firm.