TagThe Role of Conversation
Change happens because people talk. The problem is, most leaders forget that their role is to create forums.
It Takes A Village: Change Management As Community Building
If organizational change is a community activity, then change makers need to be community builders.
How Purpose-Driven Leadership Can Foster The Highest Level of Service
The magic happens when you, your systems, and the employees throughout the ranks of your business anticipate the needs of your customers.
The Painful Cycle of Employee Loneliness, and How It Hurts Companies
If organizations can provide timely and effective support for lonelier employees, they can help break the negative cycle of workplace lone..
The Importance of Talk
People often ask me what the secret is to high-performing organizations. I surprise them by saying: “Talk.”
How Companies Can Instill Mindfulness
Companies that adopt mindfulness and meditation practices for employees see positive returns for individuals and the..
Talking About Culture Is Hard. This Unusual Method Makes It Easier.
Here’s how we use metaphor to unlock positive dialogue and change around organizational behavior.
4 Groups Will Make or Break Your Company’s Culture
Culture depends on leadership, support functions, champions and managers. Together, they inspire each employee to feel a sense of belongin..
Enough Innovation Already!
Innovation without replication is a waste of time.
Harvard Research Proves Toxic Employees Destroy Your Culture and Your Bottom Line
Nothing destroys a culture faster than feelings of danger and mistrust. Leaders who wait to contain toxic damage risk losing everything.