data driven
TagAre You Ready to Transform?
With a data-driven, action-oriented approach to change readiness, transformation leaders can move beyond anecdotal evidence and identify the specific challenges of the upcoming change.
Performance Management’s Digital Shift
The future of performance management is more data-driven, flexible, continuous, and development-oriented.
5 Concepts That Will Help Your Team Be More Data-Driven
These five concepts offer the biggest near-term bang for the buck.
The Beginning of Good Data Is the Definition of Terms
Making sure everyone at your organization captures, synthesizes, and communicates data in the same way is a worthy investment of time and ..
Against Metrics: How Measuring Performance By Numbers Backfires
A proliferation of companies, government agencies, and higher education institutions are in the grip of what Jerry Z. Muller has termed “m..
4 Keys to Becoming a Data-Driven HR Leader
To be data-driven, HR leaders need predictive, forward-looking insights from both their internal and external partners.
What Happens When Data Scientists and Designers Work Together
This example shows how human-centered data science can result from interdisciplinary teams incorporating design thinking into their approa..
Strategy to beat the odds
If you internalize the real odds of strategy, you can tame its social side and make big moves.
Change Management Is Becoming Increasingly Data-Driven. Companies Aren’t Ready
Data science is becoming a reality for change management, and although it may not have arrived yet, it is time for organizations to get re..
Tesla Shows How Traditional Business Metrics Are Outdated
We don’t need to throw out all classic business metrics. But we should recognize their fundamental flaws and complement them with a new se..