TagChanging Culture: 5 Principles for Interdependent Leadership
What does it take for a company to set and execute strategy in a complex and interdependent world?
Making Change Contagious
Nuanced findings in network science suggest that leaders attempting organizational overhauls should tap their..
Managing Change Effectively
It is always fascinating to engage with a cultural change process, and a recent encounter was no exception.
To Make a Change at Work, Tell Yourself a Different Story
For better or for worse, our stories shape what we notice and how we interpret it. They inform our decision making and behavior.
Research: To Get People to Embrace Change, Emphasize What Will Stay the Same
This is a straightforward and actionable notion that we put to the test in two studies.
Want to Better Manage Change in Your Workplace? Start With These Questions
Following these steps improved the adoption rate of change at Google dramatically.
Elements of a Successful Government Transformation
Five essential disciplines can more than triple the success rate of public-sector change efforts.
How to Implement and Sustain Organizational Change
The fundamentals of change implementation are crucial for not only top-level executives but also frontline managers who are involved in th..
How the Blockchain Can Transform Government
Though blockchain is still in its early stages, now is the time for the public and private sector to experiment, and figure out where the ..
Leaders Focus Too Much on Changing Policies, and Not Enough on Changing Minds
What most organizations typically overlook is the internal shift — what people think and feel — which has to occur in order to..