Seven key actions business can take to mitigate the effects of COVID-19
In the face of a global crisis, well-prepared businesses can help protect their workers and their bottom lines.
How to Give Compassionate Feedback While Still Being Constructive
People want feedback that helps them grow and improve. But how you deliver it matters, too.
The Dialogue of Delegation: Be Focused and Intentional
The ability to delegate is a key leadership competency. Yet, many supervisors and managers on the road to becoming valuable and valued leaders fail to do so.
NLI Names ‘Regenerative Leadership’ a Top Trend for 2020
In casual conversations, check-in meetings, brainstorming sessions, and performance reviews, we predict regenerative leadership will make its mark in 2020.
Kindness—The missing ingredient in a great employee experience
People want meaningful jobs, fair pay, transparency, growth and, most of all, kindness.
Establishing High-Performing Teams: Lessons From Health Care
Effective teams can be significant drivers of innovations that enable broader quality improvements and efficiency gains across organizations.
Get Adventurous with Your Leadership Training
Organizations spend billions of dollars each year on leadership development. Yet research has shown that many of these programs don’t seem to work.
To Create an Organizational Vision, Connect the Dots
An organizational “vision” too often is a set of action items that preserve the status quo. The vision doesn’t simply show up. You have to take action and be thoughtful to have vision and create a vision.
Leading in Our Uncertain Times: Be Real — Not a Hero
We are living in an era of “pervasive uncertainty,” and leaders need to adopt a more humble, open and committed approach to thrive under these circumstances.
Develop a “Probabilistic” Approach to Managing Uncertainty
Instead of trying to be right, be less wrong.