TagTurning Strategy Into Results
Rather than trying to boil the strategy down to a pithy statement, it’s better to develop a small set of priorities that everyone gets beh..
Get Things Done With Smaller Teams
Smaller teams move faster, iterate at a higher frequency, and innovate more for the company.
What Airline Pilots and Nurses Can Teach Organizations About Decision-Making
Successful teams implement systems that provide clear if-then plans. These if-then plans in turn help lower-status team members save the d..
Leaders Should Triple the Amount of Time They Spend Communicating
If you think you’re already doing enough communicating, think again. You’re just beginning. You’re still in the three-dimensional world. Y..
The Smartest Teams Embrace the ‘Diversity Paradox’
Diverse teams often make smarter decisions than non-diverse teams, but — crucially — at the expense of having confidence in that decision.
Collaborate, But Only Intermittently, Says New Study
New research suggests that “always on” may not be always effective. It may hinder groups’ ability to solve complex problems.
The Science Of Rituals
The very act of ritual helps people achieve peak performance.
To Become a Better Leader, Orient Yourself Towards Others
This “Southwest Test” may not seem like much, but it says a lot about who you are and your ability to lead through other..
Want to Improve Productivity? Hire Better Managers
70% of a team’s engagement depends on the manager. Companies need to change the way they think about management.
How Managers Can Prevent Their Teams from Burning Out
No organization wants to burn out its employees. And yet, according to new research, companies’ efforts to prevent prolonged stress among ..