TagBad meetings no more
Steven Rogelberg offers an evidence-based guide to how managers and leaders can make necessary corporate gatherings tolerable – and useful.
How to Help Introverts Feel Empowered to Speak Up in Meetings
What can you do as a leader to create an environment in which introverts feel safe to contribute their insights? Check out our science-bac..
3 Ways Leaders Can Elevate Quiet Voices
Here are three strategies to help make sure every employee feels safe to speak up.
How to Speak Up in a Meeting, and When to Hold Back
Speaking up in a meeting is one of the single-most effective ways to raise your visibility and build a relationship of trust with your cli..
Better Brainstorming
Great innovators have always known that the key to unlocking a better answer is to ask a better question—one that challenges deeply held a..
A Good Meeting Needs a Clear Decision-Making Process
Everyone should know who’s making the final call.
Organizational Miscommunication? There’s a Good Way to Avoid It.
It’s all too easy for team members to misunderstand something. Effective leaders know the value of the “pre-brief.”
Why Your Meetings Stink—and What to Do About It
Leaders consistently rate their own meetings very favorably—and much more positively than attendees do. Here’s how managers can objectivel..
How to Prevent Meeting “Burnout”
In a world where you need to lead through others, more communication is needed, not less. The key is in more crisply managed meetings.
7 Icebreaker Questions to Melt Frustration and Build Trust
Done well, icebreaker questions can be valuable & strategic. Here are seven icebreaker questions to start your meeting.