TagHow to Communicate Clearly During Organizational Change
A former colleague liked to remind leaders of their impact by telling them, “There are children you’ve never met who know your name.” The ..
What the Best Transformational Leaders Do
Companies that claim to be “transforming” seem to be everywhere.
How Big Data Is Empowering AI and Machine Learning at Scale
Big Data is moving to a new stage of maturity — one that promises even greater business impact and industry disruption over the course of ..
Building momentum for cultural change
Being told to abandon old ways of thinking and working and embrace without delay a new, and seemingly riskier, digital culture can be unne..
Incentives Don’t Help People Change, but Peer Pressure Does
What motivates people to change the way they work? When organizations introduce new processes or systems, or when they want to stimulate p..
Saving Money Through Structured Problem-Solving
Executives can’t lead effective organizational change just by sitting in their offices. As busy as they are, leaders need to find ways to ..
Rethinking the Corporate Love Affair with Change
Managers have a tendency to belittle the people we see as “resistant to change” – the employees who don’t change fast enough.
How Our Views of History Influence Our Ability to Shape the Future
A colleague of mine passed along an article recently titled, “History and Organizational Change.” Written by two scholars in Canada, Roy S..
The 6 Dimensions of Successful Corporate Transformation
There are 6 essential pieces to your corporate-wide transformation puzzle and they must fit together to paint the picture of your tomorrow!
Assessment: How Successful Was Your Company’s Reorg?
Has your firm recently undergone a reorg? If so, you’re in good company. Reorganizations, or reorgs, are a common business practice. And w..