TagHow Boards Are Coping With Covid-19
A new survey provides a snapshot of corporate boards’ resilience to challenges and risks posed by the pandemic.
The Upside of Virtual Board Meetings
Here are eight practices that contribute to an excellent virtual board meeting.
Lessons From the Front Line for Nonprofit CEO Successions
Boards typically aren’t prepared to replace their chief executive. But new research shows this doesn’t have to be the case.
A Guide to the Big Ideas and Debates in Corporate Governance
The questions that boards, managers, and shareholders should be asking.
Building board-management dynamics to withstand a crisis: Addressing the fault lines
Crises can strain relationships at the top of organizations to the breaking point. Improving the dynamics between board members and senior..
Research: When Women Are on Boards, Male CEOs Are Less Overconfident
A diversity of perspectives in the boardroom leads to better decisions.
Board Smarts: Governance 101
Looking to teach new board members the governance ropes? Take advantage of your LMS for board orientation.
Cybersecurity Roles and Responsibilities for the Board of Directors
As Boards of Directors take on the role of cybersecurity leaders within their organizations, here are some responsibilities they should co..
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
Nonfinancial reports helped stimulate the growth of sustainable investing. Now investors are questioning current reporting practices—and c..
What Senior Executives Can Do When the Board Meddles
Five strategies that can help you respond.