TagHow Self-Managed Teams Can Resolve Conflict
In a traditional team structure, conflicts can be escalated to the boss to resolve. Can’t agree on how to prioritize projects, or on which..
Five Things I’ve Learned As A New Manager At Google
Nine months ago, I became a people manager for my team of privacy engineers here at Google. Since then, I’ve learned a lot about what it t..
Employee Burnout Is a Problem with the Company, Not the Person
Employee burnout is a common phenomenon, but it is one that companies tend to treat as a talent management or personal issue rather than a..
Shifting from Manager to Leader
Just because you have a management title doesn’t automatically mean you’re a great leader. But making that sometimes-subtle shift is essen..
What makes a CEO ‘exceptional’?
We assessed the early moves of CEOs with outstanding track records; some valuable lessons for leadership transitions emerged.
If Humble People Make the Best Leaders, Why Do We Fall for Charismatic Narcissists?
The research is clear: when we choose humble, unassuming people as our leaders, the world around us becomes a better place.
How to Unlock the Full Potential of Diverse Teams
Organizing around a common purpose and sharing leadership encourages people to bring their authentic selves to work.
How to Design Meetings Your Team Will Want to Attend
There’s a lot of advice out there about how to make meetings more efficient and productive. And while it’s true that leading focused, deli..
Great Leaders Know What They Do Best – and Let Go of the Rest
“I’m a strategist,” Hank tells his management team. “Like most good generals, I give you the specifics of what you need to do, and why.” H..
Radical Candor
Radical Candor is a culture of guidance based on caring personally and challenging directly everyone you work with. The goal is to achieve..