TagGovernance and Accountability: A Different Choice for Nonprofits
This article aims to expose and question the assumptions and asymmetrical power relations that are often taken for granted in the most nor..
The Business Fad States Should Steal
For the most part, it’s a bad idea for governments to copy private-sector trends. But there may be one exception.
Good Governance Has A Way Of Growing On You
Good governance is not about optics it’s about protocols and practices that are so embedded in a board’s culture that they can be communic..
Effective Board Governance: 10 New Year’s Resolutions
In the spirit of the new year, here are 10 resolutions I think could apply to the boards of directors of non-profits and public agencies. ..
Good Governance Checklist: Good and Better Practices
This checklist can be used by elected officials and staff to evaluate the current practices of an agency, identify deficiencies in policy ..
Why Are We Still Struggling with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nonprofit Governance?
According to BoardSource research, the diversity of boards today has not increased over the past two years and seems unlikely to change an..
The Fast-Follower Strategy for Technology in Government
The public sector shouldn’t be on the bleeding edge of innovation. It should focus on integrating proven tools.
Board Refreshment: Finding the Right Balance
Companies with a balanced board composition relative to director tenure tend to show better financial results and have a lower risk profil..
One City’s Path to Smart City Leadership
As San Jose has shown, it’s as much about having the right people and organizational structures in place as it is about technology.
Nonprofit Governance and the Power of Things
A key purpose of this article has been to show how alternative perspectives can help illuminate and open up the way we..