TagTransformation Isn’t What You Think It Is
It’s all about continuous change, rather than one-time shifts.
Why a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Employee Development Doesn’t Work
That same poll found that managers are critical to the experiences that younger … Rather, they personalize their coaching..
An Elevator Speech for New Managers
If I were giving an “elevator speech” to new managers and had time to tell them just two things to focus on, what would they be?
A Good Meeting Needs a Clear Decision-Making Process
Everyone should know who’s making the final call.
Why Great Leaders Focus On Mastering Relationships
Without mastering collaborative relationships, both inside and outside the company, we won’t produce the outcomes needed to win our custom..
Self-Reports Spur Self-Reflection
The act of answering survey questions can increase awareness, which opens the door to development.
How to Build Trust-Filled Relationships in Fast-Changing Environments
Communication breaks down, toes get stepped on, and people feel blind-sided. The best leaders recognize that relational accidents are part..
The Feedback Fallacy
The search for ways to give and receive better feedback assumes that feedback is always useful. But the only reason we’re pursuing it is t..
Everything You Know About Giving Feedback at Work Could be Wrong
Marcus Buckingham and Cisco executive Ashley Goodall have some ideas about how you should really talk to employees.
Leadership Development Study Shows Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Companies get better results when they focus on emotional intelligence and use one leadership model for how leaders think and act.