February 2017
Why Establishing Quick Wins is Critical for Successfully Leading Change
Change management efforts are never easy and take time. Establishing and rewarding quick wins is critical for maintaining momentum.
Women Are Less Likely to Apply for Executive Roles If They’ve Been Rejected Before
Although women make up 40% of the global workforce, they hold only 24% of senior management roles around the world — a figure that has not..
How to Close a Gender Gap: Let Employees Control Their Schedules
A new company places women in jobs that give them schedule flexibility, which economists say can make a big difference.
How to Delegate Effectively
This invaluable tool takes a look at the “dos” and “don’ts” of delegation, and highlights three levels of delegated decisions to help you ..
How Constraints Force Your Brain To Be More Creative
When we have less to work with, psychologists have found that we actually begin to see the world differently.
Why We Learn More from Tough Bosses
CEO Stuart Frankel, says that you probably learn more from bosses that are a little bit tougher on you. Frankel knows that your ego needs ..
Why Lengthy Business Plans Increase The Risk Of Failure
Business plans are great for execution challenges like building a new factory or expanding your sales force. However, insisting on a busin..
The Nine Types of Strategy
This tool concisely defines nine types of strategies. It lists the factors that should drive an organization’s choice of strategy and incl..
3 Errors CEOs Make with Their Executive Teams
An organization is only as good as the relationship between the CEO and the executive team. Take the lead to avoid these common missteps.
How to Build Vibrant Connections and Energize Meaningful Results
Strong organizations are a collection of vibrant connections that energize meaningful results. Leaders that connect: Disconnection is expe..