TagHire Leaders for What They Can Do, Not What They Have Done
Three questions to ask about each candidate.
Micromanagers in the Making? Why Salespeople Struggle to Lead
When salespeople become managers, they often do a horrible job. Four key steps can help them—and all soon-to-be managers—make the shift, s..
Why the Most Productive People Don’t Always Make the Best Managers
When a company needs a supervisor for a team, senior leaders often anoint the team’s most productive performer.
Social Science Researchers Examine The Peter Principle
Workers with a strong sales record were likely to be promoted into managerial positions, yet they tended to be worse at..
The Hidden Status Battles That Can Roil the Office
When bosses offer promotions and other rewards, they may not realize the conflicts they’re unleashing on teams.
How You Promote People Can Make or Break Company Culture
Managing promotions effectively is one of the most powerful ways leaders can drive their company’s success.