TagResearch: Are Clients Loyal to Your Firm, or the People in It?
Employee turnover can be a big challenge for companies. But it creates a unique problem for professional services firms, which have to wor..
4 Tips to Develop a Culture of Learning in Your Company
One concept that business owners sometimes have to remind their employees of is that learning doesn’t have to stop after college. In fact,..
Best Practices for Professional Development
This tool compares the relative value of three different types of professional development. The table looks at the relative impact of trai..
How to Create the Right Purpose for Your Business
6 tips to create a purpose that will attract and retain customers and employees. I was wrapping up a conversation with the CMO of a major ..
4 Models for Using AI to Make Decisions
Charismatic CEOs enjoy leading and inspiring people, so they don’t like delegating critical business decisions to smart algorithms. Who ..
3 Ways to Create a Culture of Innovation
If you want your employees to be more creative in their day-to-day work, you can’t rely on Ping-Pong tables, bean bag chairs, or one-off e..
Organizing for Innovation
This tool provides a valuable checklist of specific ideas to make sure your company is organized for innovation. It lists specific strateg..
Not All Transformational Leadership Behaviors Are Equal
This study investigates how each dimension of transformational leadership directly and indirectly influences followers’ change-oriented be..
How to Succeed at Core Process Improvement
This tool distills the concepts behind core process improvement and provides a useful framework for leaders who want to understand the fac..
Taking it To the Streets: The Argument for Using a Customer Council
An overview of how to set up a customer council as a really powerful tool for product and company strategy.