TagHow Smart People Handle Difficult People
Difficult people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to de..
5 Ways Business Leaders Unintentionally Kill Collaboration and Creativity
In 1861, Abraham Lincoln formed his Cabinet with his defeated opponents in the election of 1860. His “Team of Rivals” saved the Union, won..
How AI Is Transforming the Workplace
Artificial intelligence is changing the way managers do their job—from who gets hired to how they’re evaluated to who gets promoted.
Your Organization Wastes Time. Here’s How to Fix It.
A year into their jobs, how many employees still have the unbridled energy and enthusiasm that they brought with them to their first day o..
The Best Times to Learn and Create, According to Science
The new science of chronobiology reveals the ideal times to work, brainstorm, and be creative that lead to peak performance.
Over-engaged Leaders Produce Disengaged Teams
Over-engaged leaders work way too hard. Over-engaged leaders produce disengaged teams. Work to make space for others, if you’re an over-en..
5 Tips for Giving Better Feedback to Creative People
It doesn’t matter if you hire the most talented creative minds in the world — internal or external — at some point you’ll have to give t..
How To Achieve Business’ Holy Grail: Long-Term Profitable Growth
With few companies achieving the holy grail of business — long-term profitable growth — it’s not surprising that U.S. GDP growth has bee..
Why the Millions We Spend on Employee Engagement Buy Us So Little
Organizations are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on employee engagement programs, yet their scores on engagement surveys remain ..
How to Cut Costs More Strategically
We’ve all been through it — the looming cost project. And for many of us, it’s not a fond memory. How many cost-cutting initiatives have o..