customer service
TagThe human touch at the center of customer-experience excellence
More than ever, great customer experience depends on the human factor. That has major implications for how the customer-experience organization operates.
80 Percent of Federal Employees Say Their Agency Does Not Have a Customer Service Leader
Agencies with a single customer service lead score 25-30% higher on critical customer service elements.
Making Kindness a Core Tenet of Your Company
The way to unleash kindness in your organization is to treat it like a contagion, and to create the conditions under which everybody catch..
How Purpose-Driven Leadership Can Foster The Highest Level of Service
The magic happens when you, your systems, and the employees throughout the ranks of your business anticipate the needs of your customers.
According To Top CEOs ‘Nothing Drives Profitability Like Great Customer Experience’
Sam Walton said, “The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.”
How Customer Service Experts Like Marriott Gather Customer Feedback And Promote Engagement
Ever wonder how companies that are expert in customer service (think: Marriott) gather and use customer feedback, and use it to promote em..
Disrupt Your Industry With Stellar Customer Service
Let’s talk about average service. This is where the bar is low. It’s unfortunate, but true in many industries.
United Airlines: One Month Later
I’ve noticed something since the United Airlines debacle.
The 5-Level Approach to Building a Community of Fans for Your Business
As an entrepreneur, one of the best things you can learn to do is build a community of raving fans who will always choose your company whe..
See You at the Top: A Guide to Winning at Customer Service
Quality customer service is one of the major ingredients that make for the success of any business, regardless of its size. You could empl..