TagUnited Airlines: One Month Later
I’ve noticed something since the United Airlines debacle.
Preventing Costly Innovation Failures
I am a global customer centricity champion. My passion is helping organizations to grow faster by putting customers at the heart of their ..
To Motivate Employees, Show Them How They’re Helping Customers
Think back to your first day on the job. If you’re like most people, you felt excited and were eager to get down to work. But, based on th..
Ways to increase customer engagement
The definition of an “engaged customer” varies from product to product.
Why a Great Organizational Culture Matters
Building or reinforcing a great culture can require a lot of work. But investing in your company’s culture will have a major impact on per..
Who Can Turn Your Company Into Being Customer-Centric?
The tragedy of brand suicide can be easily avoided by listening to those in your business who truly know what the customer wants and needs..
The Customer-Centric Organization
Leaders constantly juggle keeping different constituencies happy: customers, shareholders, employees, managers, labor leaders, Board membe..