TagWhy You Need to Focus on Diversity Before It’s Too Late
Failing to prioritize diversity leads to disastrous consequences. Take the recent influx of sexism and discrimination claims at Uber, for ..
How Morale Changes as a Startup Grows
When we think about startup cultures, we imagine ping pong tables, kegerators, and Nerf guns. More importantly, we envision an esprit de c..
Being an Ethical Business in a Corrupt Environment
Most business leaders hesitate to take a firm stand against corruption, even in environments where it is widespread. Some may see benefits..
Protect Your Brand and Employees with a Social Media Policy
How does a small to mid-size organization encourage responsible use of social media?
The Power of Honesty: Why Being Straightforward Matters
I received a call from Nick, a senior executive in a Fortune 500 company, who had been a client of mine for nearly ten years. “I need to s..
Harnessing the Secret Structure of Innovation
In an era of low growth, companies need innovation more than ever. Leaders can draw on a large body of theory and precedent in pursuit of ..
The Smart Way to Respond to Negative Emotions at Work
It is impossible to block negative emotions from the workplace. Whether provoked by bad decisions, misfortune, or employees’ personal prob..
The 5-Level Approach to Building a Community of Fans for Your Business
As an entrepreneur, one of the best things you can learn to do is build a community of raving fans who will always choose your company whe..
Gallup: American Workers Are Unengaged And Looking Elsewhere
The Secret of Story Telling
On the south side of Chicago in the 1950s, my grandfather Ben Weiss created a shoe store called Cinderella Shoes. He employed the most lit..