TagWhen You Start a New Job, Pay Attention to These 5 Aspects of Company Culture
In our work, we have noticed five dimensions of culture that require your attention. These have the greatest impact on your ability to nav..
How to Think about “Implicit Bias”
Amidst a controversy, it’s important to remember that implicit bias is real—and it matters.
How One Leadership Idea Can Change Everything You Do
If you want to motivate people, and leaders are the most motivated people, why not make everyone a leader?
People Don’t Want to Be Compared with Others in Performance Reviews
They want to be compared with themselves. Why are employees so frustrated about the way they are evaluated, despite all the time and money..
This Accountability Tactic Works For Kids, Teens, And Work Teams
Trying to build a “culture of accountability” puts the wagon before the horse, one behavioral psychologist explains.
The Performance-Management Secret Only 1 in 5 Companies Knows
A survey of over 25,800 companies showed that fully 20 percent had dumped dreaded annual performance ratings.
The Power of Yes: How CMR Rocks Retention
If a guest wants a vegetable instead of french fries, a server is empowered to make it happen and not have to go through management layers.
Culture Vs Data: Which One Wins?
The big question is, are brands investing too much in data and not enough in culture?
Organizational Slack (or Goldilocks and the Three Budgets)
Organizational slack is an important concept in the management literature, but you won’t find it mentioned..
Three Things Every Employee Needs — But 90% Of Employees Don’t Get
How can you get the training, guidance and encouragement you need?