business plans
TagIf These Giant Companies Can Switch To The Circular Economy, So Can Anyone
Overhauling the traditional take-make-waste business model can be daunting, but these initiatives demonstrate that the payoff for experime..
How a total value proposition sets the stage for true customer-centricity
Cindy Barnes passion for genuine customer-centricity in business has made her a great business innovator and strategist.
Google’s $600 Billion Blueprint
If you’re an entrepreneur looking to amass wealth, then perhaps the best people to learn from would be the founders of Alphabet, Sergey Br..
The Explainer: How to Write a Great Business Plan
A business plan that asks — and answers — the right questions is a powerful tool.
Why Lengthy Business Plans Increase The Risk Of Failure
Business plans are great for execution challenges like building a new factory or expanding your sales force. However, insisting on a busin..