Harvard Business Review
CategoryWhy Business Leaders Need to Read More Science Fiction
By presenting plausible alternative realities, science fiction stories empower us to confront not just what we think but also how we think..
The Board Directors You Need for a Digital Transformation
When the term digital transformation was first bandied about by consultants and business publications, its implications were more about ke..
A Study Shows How to Find New Ideas Inside and Outside the Company
Bill Joy, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems, was famous for saying, “Not all smart people work for you.”
New Managers Should Focus on Helping Their Teams, Not Pleasing Their Bosses
When I first became a manager — an unexpected promotion soon after taking a new job — I found myself feeling awkward about the fact that I..
Younger and Older Executives Need Different Things from Coaching
In our work coaching hundreds of executives, we have suspected a difference in how 30-something executives and those in their forties and ..
Want Your Employees to Trust You? Show You Trust Them
Executives and managers invest a lot of effort and time building trust in their teams: both establishing trust in their employees and ensu..
What We Learned from Improving Diversity Rates at Pinterest
In today’s workplace, diversity is more than just a buzzword; it’s a way to build a stronger business. At Pinterest, we understand that di..
The More Senior Your Job Title, the More You Need to Keep a Journal
For leaders assuming the CEO title for the first time, taking time to learn and think translates into early successes. But the problem is ..
How to Handle a Disagreement on Your Team
When you manage a team of people, you can’t always ensure that they’ll get along. Given competing interests, needs, and agendas, you might..
Changing Company Culture Requires a Movement, Not a Mandate
Culture is like the wind. It is invisible, yet its effect can be seen and felt. When it is blowing in your direction, it makes for smooth ..