TagThe Challenge of Leading New Managers
We’ve all seen it. Top performers get the big promotion into management, which unexpectedly leads to struggles and frustration. Even failu..
New Managers Should Focus on Helping Their Teams, Not Pleasing Their Bosses
When I first became a manager — an unexpected promotion soon after taking a new job — I found myself feeling awkward about the fact that I..
Younger and Older Executives Need Different Things from Coaching
In our work coaching hundreds of executives, we have suspected a difference in how 30-something executives and those in their forties and ..
Only 10% of CEOs Have This Critical Skill
It turns out, though, that not all leaders are endorsed equally on LinkedIn. In fact, when it comes to one critical skill, only 9.8% of CE..
What makes leaders resilient? An exploratory interview study
Although we know that resilient leaders are essential for a healthy and efficient workforce, the resilience of leaders itself is still lar..
The Leadership Skill Everybody Needs — And 90% Of Managers Lack
There are good reasons it’s easy to find lousy managers in virtually every industry and function. It is no surprise that nearly every work..
Millennial Managers: A Guide For Successful Management
Millennials took over as the largest generational group in the United States workforce in 2015, and by 2020 they will make up over half of..
Seven Steps to See and Solve Blindspots
Blindspots let you blame others for your shortcomings and feel superior while doing it. Here are 5 common leadership blindspots: Evaluatin..
The Art of Mentorship: 3 Steps for Building Business Leaders
A significant majority of women — 63 percent — have never had a formal mentor in their career. It goes (almost) without saying that ever..
Your New Hires Won’t Succeed Unless You Onboard Them Properly
The first three to six months — when new hires are particularly susceptible to turnover — are most critical. On average, companies los..