communication styles
TagDo You Know How Each Person on Your Team Likes to Work?
When you first become a manager, it’s helpful to spend time up front connecting and creating a common language with your team.
Zeroing In On Your Own Communication Style
Understanding your style of communicating would be relatively easy if you limited yourself to one of the four basic styles.
Four Basic Communication Styles
When you take the Communication Styles Profile, the first payoff is discovering the styles of communicating you use most often – Director,..
Four Communication Styles (Four Videos)
When you take the Communication Styles Profile, the first payoff is discovering the styles of communicating you use most often – Director,..
Personality Theory
Anthropology helps answer the question, “where did our communication styles come from?” Psychology, and particularly research into persona..
What’s Your Preferred Decision-Making Style?
Every day, leaders make major decisions that have significant influence on the direction of a department or the company’s bottom line. Eve..
Where Do Communication Styles Come From?
Our research has shown that there are four basic styles of communicating. These styles affect all of our communications with other people.
It All Starts With Communication Styles
When people first discover their styles, it’s an epiphany. People turn to each other and say: “So that’s why you love details!” Or: “Now I..