Harvard Business Review
Category4 Ways to Get Honest, Critical Feedback from Your Employees
While we know that higher self-awareness leads to better team performance, unfortunately, research suggests that most people aren’t very s..
Is Your Company Actually Set Up to Support Your Strategy?
For every company wrestling with evolutions in its strategy, success depends as much on matching the operating model to those evolutions a..
CEOs Should Stop Thinking that Execution is Somebody Else’s Job; It Is Theirs
The common perception is that strategy is done at the top of the org chart, and execution is done below. It is exactly the opposite – let ..
How to Tell If a Company’s Culture Is Right for You
Congratulations, you got the job! Now you have to decide whether to take it.
More Training Won’t Reduce Your Cyber Risk
Are the hackers always one step ahead? Are we impossible to train? Or are we being taught the wrong lessons?
Figure Out Your Company’s Strategic Problems, Then Use Small Teams to Solve Them
We call these initiatives “micro-battles” and believe they are a powerful tool for fighting back against the complexity that slows..
How to Excel at Both Strategy and Execution
According to a global survey of 700 executives across a variety of industries conducted by Strategy&, only 8% of company leaders were said..
Can You Be a Great Leader Without Technical Expertise?
Studies suggest that the best leaders know a lot about the domain in which they are leading, and part of what makes them..
Why the Entire C-Suite Needs to Use the Same Metrics for Cyber Risk
Multiple conversations about cyber risks are happening across a multitude of divisions in isolation.
5 Ways the Best Companies Close the Strategy-Execution Gap
Executives say that they lose 40% of their strategy’s potential value to breakdowns in execution.