CategoryGoogle’s $600 Billion Blueprint
If you’re an entrepreneur looking to amass wealth, then perhaps the best people to learn from would be the founders of Alphabet, Sergey Br..
A Data-driven Case for Understanding the Impact of Employee Engagement on Retention
Employee turnover is a headache for the managers who wind up stuck with spots to fill, but employee departures aren’t just a hassle — the..
A Manager’s Guide to Delivering Bad News (Infographic)
From giving someone negative feedback to letting an employee go — whether..
Reid Hoffman: To Successfully Grow A Business, You Must ‘Expect Chaos’
Dan Lewis has been wrestling with one of the most common, and critical, bottlenecks that bedevil every tech startup seeking to scale fast:..
Your Brain Doesn’t Want to Change: 5 Ways to Make It
Take a moment and cross your arms. Now, cross them in the opposite direction. Which way was more awkward? If you thought crossing them the..
Why Building Relationships with Your Employees Is Better Than Just Managing Them
The wealth created through authentic business relationships stimulates growth and innovation, advances commerce, and benefits all. Relatio..
7 Strategic Ways to Increase Employee Retention While Reducing Costs
Business owners are always looking for ways to reduce costs and boost their bottom line Although it may feel counterintuitive, especially ..
Why You Need to Focus on Diversity Before It’s Too Late
Failing to prioritize diversity leads to disastrous consequences. Take the recent influx of sexism and discrimination claims at Uber, for ..
4 Ways to Personalize the Employee Experience
The employee experience is what makes or breaks retention. Simply put, if employees enjoy their work, they will stay.
How Establishing Core Values Drives Success
Why are you here? Why does your company exist? What makes your company unique or better? Why should I buy from you?